Must have vaccine for child’s first 12 months

Most vaccinations are given to protect us against diseases caused by viruses. Viruses are germs, and they are extremely tiny. If they infect or get into our body, and multiply, that’s make us sick. So what is a must have vaccine for baby from birth and beyond. WHAT ARE VACCINES? A vaccine is usually a small amount of liquid that contains dead or weakened versions of a virus or other type of germ. Weakened viruses can still multiply within the body but cannot cause disease. Vaccines can also contain tiny amounts of harmful substances, called toxins, which are made by the viruses. But they don’t have enough toxin to make you sick. Some vaccines are oral, which means you can eat them or drink them. However, the powerful digestive juices in your stomach would destroy most vaccines. So vaccines are usually given by shot. Why shots are important Chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough, you may have heard of these childhood illness, but probably we...