Things mommy needs to know during early pregnancy

Babies grow inside their mommies tummy for nine months. During that time, there are important things mommy needs to know especially the first trimester of pregnancy, right after the conception.
What are Neural Tube Defects?
The neural tube defects are birth defects of varying severity. These result from disruptions in the development of the neural tube that happens during the early stage of the spinal cord and nervous system. The neural tube form in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the very early stage right around the time you miss your first menstrual period. Failure of the neural tube to close properly can result in defects. Some are mild and barely noticeable while other are fatal resulting to miscarriage.
Helps reduce the risk of Neural Tube Defects.
According to medical experts, study shows that fifty percent (50%) or more of Neural Tube Defects can be prevented if women consume a folic acid containing food supplement before and during the first trimester of pregnancy, which is on the first (1st) day right after the conception. Folic acid also, promotes proper brain and body development.
Folic fortified milk
You can get an additional folate for your diet by consuming folate rich foods or drinking a one (1) glass or more folic acid fortified milk a day to give you one hundred percent (100%) of your daily folate requirement.
There are brands of folate fortified milk that is readily available in the supermarket or in your local convenient store. You can be able to have an access to this products even in absence of doctor’s prescription.
Folic acid food supplement tablet or syrup
While on the other hand, there is a group of mommy that is not a milk drinker. And if you think you’re one of them, don’t worry there are many option for you to choose from. A folic acid containing food supplement either tablet or syrup form that you can be able to access even without a doctor’s prescriptions. Like folate fortified milk, they are readily available in your local drugs store.
OB visit
Then again, it is better for you to have a doctor visit to ensure your safety and your little one.
Stay inside your home to ensure safe.