Nutrients for better senses and the brain.

Proper nutrition is important for the brain development. To help nourish the senses, the child needs essential nutrients such as DHA, taurine, zinc, iron, choline, and folic acid.
DHA and Choline
DHA has omega – 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to help develop the retina. Choline, on the other hand, is vital for learning and memory.
Taurine helps in brain and retinal development. This amino acid also aids the development of child’s senses of hearing.
Folic Acid
Essential for the transmission of nerve impulses.
Omega 3 & 6
Essential in brain development.
Zinc acids is a key nutrients in helping the central nervous system development. Also, it aids in relaying information from taste and smell sensors to brain. This nutrient also helps develop the child’s appetite.
Iron helps to properly convey sensations to the brain and helps improve child’s mental skills. This nutrient also important in enabling nerve cells transmit information faster.
Nourish your child senses and reach a milestone.
To enhance your child’s learning and development, let him engage in activities that stimulate her senses – sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch.
While your role as a parents in exposing her to learning through the senses is vital,proper nutrition is also needed by your child. The right combination of positive environment, parental support, and good nutrition helps optimize your child’s development.
Vision - what the eyes see, the brain will know.
Point out colors and numbers during everyday conversations like “You are holding a red shirt or we made a 10 pancakes for breakfast.” You can also ask your child to look for and point at the object you see around. “Example ask your child to point the toy car.” This will help her identify objects with their names and improve her vocabulary.
Hearing - what the child hears build the brain
Speak to your child in a clear, correct and simple manner. Read or sing nursery rhymes as you point out the words. Avoid using baby talk. You can also take your child outside and ask him to tell you the different kinds of sound that she hears.
Smell and Taste - what the child tastes and smells form lasting memories in brain
Play with guessing games with your child by covering her eyes and ask her to identify an object by smelling it first. For example “ try to gave her a sweet smelling sampaguita flower or perfume and let our child to identify it. You can also try an activity with food. Cover her eyes and let her smell the food first. Like flowers and perfume, ask her to identify it. Then tell her to taste the food to see if she is correct.
Touch - gentle touch warms the heart and mind.
Touch can provide lots of sensory experience for learning and developing coordination like playing with puzzles. Discovering different shapes and how the fit together enhances the coordination of his senses of touch and her sense of sight. Give her a more complicated toys to play with – toys she can pull apart to create new shapes.
There are number of formula for infant with no DHA on their nutritional fact especially the cheaper brand. Therefore in the absence of that fatty acid the child development will be affected or not?
TumugonBurahinImbalance of nutrients cause problem instead of benifits
TumugonBurahinDHA only reside on expensive formula? Why?