During the 1st trimester of pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her baby grows in her body for nine months. A pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each lasting about three months. During each trimester, the woman’s tummy grows larger as the baby grows.
What to expect during first (1st) trimester of pregnancy?
Trimester of baby’s development
First (1st) month of first (1st) trimester
The first month of pregnancy starts with conception (conception is about 8 weeks after the last menstruation), fertilization, and implantation. After ovulation, the single fertilized egg, called zygote will rapidly divide. During the process of fertilization, your baby’s entire physical attributes are determined, this include the baby gender, the color of hair, and the color of the eye. In the third (3rd) week, the brain’s neural tube will begin to close. Being the first organ to develop , the brain will continue to develop twenty five (25) to twenty seven (27) days after fertilization.
Second (2nd) month of first (1st) trimester
The second (2nd) month of first (1st) trimester begins eight (8) to twelve (12) weeks after the woman's last period. On second trimester, your baby grows about two and a half (2 ½) inches long and weighs half ( ½) ounce to one ounce by the end of second month. Baby’s heart, nervous system, arms and legs, liver and other major organs are developing. This is also the critical period for the development of structures for seeing and hearing. The placenta also begins to form. By the next six (6) weeks, baby’s heart will be beating and visible via ultrasound.
Third (3rd) month of the first (1st) trimester
On the third (3rd) month, week twelve (12) to week sixteen (16). The baby inside your womb is now about six (6) inches long and weighs half ( ½) of a pound by the end of the third (3rd) month. If you get a ultrasound during this stage, you should be able to see your baby’s arms and legs moving. Your baby’s heartbeat can be detected by a Doppler at the beginning of your third (3rd) month. By the end of this month the development of the heart and all major organs will be completed.
The first trimester symptoms
The first trimester symptoms
Life is started