Social life of two months old baby

There's nothing like your baby's first coo and facial expression - it's a pleasant gift for your tough task in the first few months. It's also the manifestation that she's apt to tie the great bustle of humanity.
Two months baby facial expression
In her second month, baby Jane was now able to distinguish the difference between primitive human emotions—happiness, anger, fear, and surprise based on facial expression alone. This doesn't mean that she can actually understand what a particular expression means. But she can tell the difference between them and respond accordingly, smiling when you smile and overturned if you don't smile back.
Communicating with 8 weeks baby
During her first several weeks, little Jane interact mainly by crying. But around two months, there's a lot of new activity that taking place. Her coos, talk back, and she may respond with another coos but don't expect your baby to coo on cue though. One of the best things you can do to promote this is to talk using human language.
Baby at this point try to mimic you...
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