Infant Milk Formula for Baby Jane

For the very start, we sterilize the feeding bottle. Also learn how to gave Jane her bottle, how often to give her. In her case, baby Jane ask her bottle every one and a half hour.
See also: How Long Should a Baby on Formula
The contents baby JC Jane feeding are the following;
Reduced minerals whey, blend of vegetable oils (soybean, palm, palm kernel), nonfat milk powd, lactose, soy lecithin, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids from single-cell sources [arachidonic acid (AA), DHA] taurine, nucleotides (cytidine-5'-monophosphate, diNa uridine-5'-monophosphate, adenosine-5'-monophosphate, diNa guanosine-5'-monophosphate, diNa inosine-5'-monophosphate), mixed tocopherols concentrate, ascorbyl palmitate, L-carnitine, lutein (suspended in safflower oil). Minerals: CaCl2, K bicarbonate, Na citrate, KCl, Na phosphate, KOH, Fe sulfate, Zn sulfate, MgCl2, Ca hydroxide, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, K iodide, Na selenite. Vit: Ascorbic acid, α-tocopheryl acetate, inositol, choline Cl, nicotinamide, vit A palmitate, Ca pantothenate, thiamine HCl, pyridoxine HCl, riboflavin, cholecalciferol, carotenes, folic acid, phytonadione, biotin, cyanocobalamin. Per 100 g powd Protein 12 g (60% whey 7.1 g, 40% casein 4.7 g), carbohydrate 57 g, fat 28 g (AA 97 mg, DHA 56 mg). Vit: Vit A 1,969 IU, carotenes 165 mcg, vit D 335 IU, vit E 8.7 IU, vit K 53 mcg, vit B1 787 mcg, vit B2 1,181 mcg, vit B6 472 mcg, vit B12 1.6 mcg, niacin 3,937 mcg, folic acid 63 mcg, pantothenic acid 2,362 mcg, biotin 16 mcg, vit C 71 mg, choline 79 mg, inositol 26 mg. Minerals: Ca 362 mg, P 262 mg, Mg 50 mg, Fe 6.3 mg, Zn 4.7 mg, manganese 39 mcg, copper 441 mcg, iodine 79 mcg, Na 126 mg, K 551 mg, Cl 341 mg, selenium 11 mcg. Nucleotides 20 mg (CMP 10 mg, UMP 3.9 mg, AMP 3.1 mg, GMP 1.6 mg, IMP 1.6 mg), taurine 37 mg, L-carnitine 7.9 mg, lutein 20 mcg. Energy: 529 kCal
Indications: Infant formula from birth to 6 mth.
See also: Nutrients for better senses.
Dosage: Reconstitution: Infant ≥6 mth (7.5 kg) 3 level scoops to 180 mL lukewarm water, 4-5 feedings/day; 3-6 mth (6.5 kg) 3 level scoops to 180 mL lukewarm water, 5 feedings/day; 2 wk-3 mth (4.5-5.5 kg) 2 level scoops to 120 mL lukewarm water, 6 feedings/day; 0-2 wk (3.5 kg) 1 level scoop to 60 mL lukewarm water, 9 feedings/day.
It's a good thing that there are Infant Milk Formulas that can support a child's need for milk. Just like what you said, her mum doesn't produce milk to breastfeed her. I hope she grew up well and healthy.
TumugonBurahinThank you Jessica.
BurahinNothing beats the nutrients mother's milk have.... still the best of the best, even compare with the most expensive formula.