Cough effective cure and relief for infant 0 to 6 months old.

Baby Jane start sneezing and coughing. Her throat gets sore and scratchy. She don’t feel very well. She have cold? Or do she have the flu? Colds and flu are illnesses caused by germs called viruses. But they are caused by different kinds of viruses. Colds are often called common colds. Flu is short for influenza. IS IT A COLD OR THE FLU? Signs that your baby have a cold or the flu are called symptoms. The symptoms of a cold and the symptoms of the flu are slightly different. The symptoms of a cold are sore throat, cough, sneezing, and a stuffy, runny nose. Colds usually do not cause a fever. Flu symptoms are like cold symptoms, but the flu also causes chills, fever, and headaches. It makes you feel tired and achy all over. A cold or the flu usually lasts about a week. Every once in a while they can lead to a more serious sickness, such as an ear infection or a lung infection called pneumonia. CATCHING A COLD OR THE FLU We once thought that your baby could catch a cold from getting...