How to check ATF level and texture

ATF is a transmission lifeblood. And as A/T become more complex, a need for ATF check to ensure vehicle reliability. Getting the right amount of transmission oil for your car is key, ensuring your transmission operates as designed and brings you a smooth driving experience and peace of mind. Unlike engine oil, automatic transmission fluid checking comes little tricky. Where you need to follow some guidelines to get correct readings. How I check my car transmission ATF is as follows. ATF fluid level. Start your car, with the gearshift in Drive and let somebody to step your brake or put some stopper on front wheel, let the engine running. Pull out the dipstick and check for the fluid level. See drawing on the right for your reference. Checking fluid color and texture. Drop a small amount of ATF in your finger tip and rub the fluid between your thumb. It should be feel smooth, redish clear color, and smells sweet. But if you feel some metallic particle in it, burt smell, it's time to...